Sarò buona e vi svelerò questa magia! Gli ingredienti sono semplici: il filo, i ferri, il modello giusto. Quando sarete pronte, e avrete lavorato e cucito tutti i pezzi, metterete la giacca in una federa gigante creata per l’occasione, preparerete la bacchetta magica e direte ….
Reduciòò ?!?…con molta esitazione, penserete che forse un ciclo completo in lavatrice a 60°C con centrifuga potrebbe essere fatale al vostro lungo lavoro… Invece no! Ci vuole decisione! Ce lo spiega la più brava della classe…
Redùcio !!!…sbatterete la giacca a 90°C, ve la scorderete lì a centrifugare mentre state preparando il pranzo… e alla fine…Voilà!
PS: per la cronaca, la maghetta di casa ha poi fatto l'intantesimo "Evanesco" sulla giacca.
I'll be kind and unveil this magic! Ingredients are always the same: yarn, needles and pattern. When you are done, and you have worked and sewed all the pieces, put the jacket in a giant pillowcase created for the occasion, prepare your magic wand and say ....
... with much hesitation, you'd think perhaps a washing cycle at 60 ° C with final spin could be fatal to your hard work ... Be bold! The cleverest of the class tells us how ...
Redùcio!'d throw the jacket at 90 ° C, forget about it while you're working in the kitchen, let the whole spin cycle go... and finally ... Voila!
PS: Just for the record, soon after my little witch cast the "Evanesco" charm on the jacket.
I'll be kind and unveil this magic! Ingredients are always the same: yarn, needles and pattern. When you are done, and you have worked and sewed all the pieces, put the jacket in a giant pillowcase created for the occasion, prepare your magic wand and say ....
... with much hesitation, you'd think perhaps a washing cycle at 60 ° C with final spin could be fatal to your hard work ... Be bold! The cleverest of the class tells us how ...
Redùcio!'d throw the jacket at 90 ° C, forget about it while you're working in the kitchen, let the whole spin cycle go... and finally ... Voila!
PS: Just for the record, soon after my little witch cast the "Evanesco" charm on the jacket.