Da tempo è in corso l'operazione Not-So-Secret-Grannies, siamo al pacchetto n°999.999 ! Un pubblico ringraziamento è il minimo, visto che ci facciamo viziare senza nessuno scrupolo. Ecco le sorprese di nonna Anna ...
The game Not-So-Secret-Grannies is going on since a very long time, we received parcel no. 999.999! A public thanks is the least we can do, as we let them spoil us without scruples. These are Grandma Anna's surprises ....
The game Not-So-Secret-Grannies is going on since a very long time, we received parcel no. 999.999! A public thanks is the least we can do, as we let them spoil us without scruples. These are Grandma Anna's surprises ....

(now we're waiting for the one from Grandma Tina!!! Ah, ah, ah !)
What a great sweater she sent!
RispondiEliminaGrazie Elizabeth, la mia nipotina sembra un bel ramarro!